Arolwg Age Cymru Survey

Dymuna Age Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru ddeall yn well anghenion gofalwyr ‘cudd’ Lansiodd Age Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru ar Ddiwrnod Hawliau Gofalwyr (26 Tachwedd) arolwg Cymru gyfan fel rhan o’u prosiect partneriaeth a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Bydd yr arolwg yn helpu i ddarparu gwell dealltwriaeth o anghenion pobl 50 oed neu hŷn sy’n darparu cymorth di-dâl i deulu neu ffrindiau ond nad ydynt yn manteisio ar unrhyw wasanaethau, gwybodaeth neu gyngor. Os ydych yn gofalu am aelod o’r teulu, cymydog neu ffrind ac nid ydych yn manteisio ar unrhyw gymorth i’ch helpu yn y rôl hon, hoffem eich gwahodd i gwblhau ein harolwg ar-lein yn neu cysylltwch â ni am fersiwn bapur y gallwch ei hanfon yn ôl atom am ddim.

Neu os byddai’n well gennych siarad â ni am eich profiadau, gallwn hefyd ddarparu gwybodaeth a gwybodaeth am atgyfeirio i’ch cefnogi fel rhan o’r sgwrs hon.
Luke Conlon, Swyddog Prosiect Gofalwyr, e-bostiwch neu ffoniwch 07989 152529

National charities launch survey for older people looking after loved ones Age Cymru and Carers Trust Wales want to better understand the needs of ‘hidden’ carers Age Cymru and Carers Trust Wales on Carers Rights Day (26 November) launched a Wales-wide survey as part of their partnership project funded by Welsh Government. The survey will help provide a better understanding of the needs of people aged 50 or over who provide unpaid support to family or friends but aren’t accessing any services, information or advice. If you are looking after a family member, neighbour or friend and are not currently accessing any support to help you in this role, we would like to invite you to complete our online survey at or contact us for a paper version which can be sent back to us free of charge.

Or if you prefer you can talk to us about your experiences. We can also provide you with information and signposting information to support you as part of this conversation.
Luke Conlon, Carers Project Officer, at or phone 07989 152529